Congregation B’nai Sholom/Fair Lawn Jewish Center Sisterhood, an affiliate of The Women’s League for Conservative Judaism offers many programs throughout the year to our congregation.
We celebrate
Each year we sponsor, along with The Men’s Progress Club, the decorating of the Sukkah, a synagogue-wide Hanukkah Hagigah with sufganiyot (jelly donuts), latkes, dreidels, and Chocolate Hanukkah Gelt. On Purim, we amass a cast of thousands to put together the Best Purim Carnival west of the Saddle River. No one leaves without a goldfish! We, also, provide gifts to all our Bnai Mitzvah youngsters, as we all kvell when a congregant celebrates this important milestone. During the High Holy Days, we provide snacks for Junior Congregation and offer traditional candy apples on Simchat Torah.